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How to Be Persistent (Even When You Want to Quit)

Lately, I have been a little frustrated. You’ve most likely been there at some point as well. Let’s go over what I’ve found to work in terms of how to be persistent and build resilience in your pursuits.

How to Be Persistent

I am passionate about my writings. It’s cool to let ideas flow. I like to listen to the ebbs and flows of keyboard taps as my thoughts wane and surge. And I like to put together sentences, like the previous, that are dramatic yet poetic (in my mind, at least).

Above all that, my writings enable me to share messages with others. I find great meaning and joy in being able to share helpful tidbits of information with others. Over time, I would like to make this my full-time pursuit and see where it takes me.

As for right now, however, it’s not at that level. I don’t have a huge reach. Nobody is paying me to write for their sites. I write without really knowing who will read.

This can be a bit disheartening to think about. I question why I keep doing things if the results aren’t there. But it reminds me of an important topic that James Clear taught me: The effects of your habits are only apparent when they surpass a threshold of observability.

What to you do up until that point? Just have to carry on with faith! Because like a tree that hasn’t yet broken the surface, your efforts are producing results even if you can’t quite see them yet!

Remember that no matter what you’re going after. And try these things, too…


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Have patience

Most good things aren’t going to happen quickly. Practicing patience along the way, while hard, is necessary. If you can be patient and trust your work when the results aren’t quite there, you’ll be rewarded.

Let me go back to the plant-growing example for a second. When you plant a seed, you keep watering it for a while even though it seems as though nothing is happening. You do so because you trust the principle of growth.

The same principle applies to whatever you want to achieve. Keep watering your own effort and do so with faith because the principles of growth are on your side. Trust them even when you can’t see results.

For some help staying in the moment along the way, read this post on presence.

Adjust for flow

It’s so common to try to force and resist things in life. People try to force their way to what they want and resist what they do not.

This creates so much frustration. If you find yourself doing these sorts of things, take a step back. Question if there’s a better way. Surely, you can find a path and a method that creates more flow and less friction.

While the routes that flow are more productive than the routes that grind with friction, they’re also more enjoyable. Think about what you need to do, and fill that path with ease, flow, and excitement. Adjust as needed!

Be genuine

Being genuine gets you so much further than any sort of pretense or facade.

It can be tempting to try to act in a way that is not truly you to expedite the results you want. It may work in the short term, but it’s not a sustainable strategy because it leads to disdain fueled by inauthenticity (is that a word?).

In the end, what’s going to get you furthest is leaning into your uniqueness and creating from the heart. Expressing your true self in a profoundly genuine way is most enjoyable and most rewarding.

Even if it’s not the fastest route, it will bring invaluable adventure and wisdom along the way.

Thank you so much for reading! Please share with others who could benefit! 🙂


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