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Slow Down and Enjoy the Process

When my to-do list has a bunch of tasks on it, I always look forward to the moment when I cross off the final item. But a realization hit recently: why not enjoy the process, too?

I’m the type of person who likes to make a to-do list in the morning for the day ahead. I derive great satisfaction from checking things off of this list. Sometimes, I’ll even retroactively add things to the list just to be able to check them off.

The beauty of the to-do list in my mind is in the clarity it brings. I know what to do to ensure that I am taking care of my responsibilities. Small maintenance tasks need to be done as do items related to my larger goals.

I’ve noticed that if I still have uncompleted tasks as the day goes on, I find it difficult to fully relax before doing them. Not in an obsessive “I need to do this now” type of way but more of an “Oh crap, I wish I had done this already” type of way.

The satisfaction that results from a completed to-do list is such a delight.

enjoy the process

The problem with living for completion

Just this past weekend, I was going to go to the store and then work out. As I left my street and sat at the stoplight, waiting for the red to turn to green and set my errands in motion, I anticipated returning to my parking spot and being done with my duties for the day.

But this soon began to feel misguided. If I only looked forward to being done, I’d miss out on the moments between now and then.

Sure, there are more stimulating things in life than grocery shopping and completing an average workout. But they still are unique experiences that are beautiful if you tune into them.

Life is made up of a lot of these sorts of moments that don’t seem that spectacular on the surface level. Facing them on autopilot or with the desire to move past them is to dismiss a large portion of life.

Why enjoy the process?

Here’s the larger point: We are never free of tasks, responsibilities, and to-dos. To live for completion is to overlook the process.

Completing the tasks at hand doesn’t mean you’re done with them forever. Letting yourself relax and enjoy only when you’re free of responsibilities is a tough strategy because they’ll soon return.

I want to emphasize how easy it can be to live for completion. It’s easy to allow yourself to relax, enjoy, and slow down only when you’re done with x, y, and z.

But on your path, there lie 23 other letters of the alphabet that each deserve your time and attention.

The tasks will remain, but an attitudinal shift can change the entire experience!

Turn your attention to what’s in front of you. Hone into the activities that make up your day. Value the process over the destination. Meet all with presence.

A huge portion of our existence is made up of moments that seem so usual and ordinary. We spend more time on the journey than we do at the destination.

If we can learn to enjoy the process of tasks, goals, and life as a whole, maybe it’s possible to find magic in the smaller moments. Slow down and tune in!

Thank you so much for reading! Please share with others who may benefit! 🙂


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