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Note to Self (10 Lessons Learned the Hard Way)

Yes, I write about personal growth and have a lot of ideas in that regard. No, I don’t have it all figured out.

I have a lot of growing to do. And this will always be the case.

What follows is an organized compilation of my recent journal entries and conversations regarding lessons that have been top-of-mind lately.

I write and share this post to challenge myself to be better. To admit flaws, shortcomings, and mistakes and to remember to bridge the gap from understanding to applying.

Perhaps you’ll be inspired to do the same.

10 Things to Take to Heart

  1. Love is everything. There is nothing more powerful. In all its forms, it deserves continued prioritization, appreciation, and effort.
  2. Life is meant to be LIVED. Stop living on the periphery. Talk myself into things, and look for reasons to say “YES!”
  3. I attract what I give off. Sulking can be an easy option, but nothing will get better until I take control of the way I respond.
  4. Stop “if only-ing” life away. No more “I’ll be happy when ___” or “If only ___, then I’ll be satisfied.” Love the now, and appreciate what I have. Otherwise, I’ll miss out on it.
  5. There is value all along the spectrum. Branch the heck out. Stop getting stuck in what I default to. Try new things… even those that I’m convinced I won’t like. Hidden gems lurk. 
  6. Routine is only so helpful. Routine can be grounding, but it can also be limiting. Find a flexible attachment to a rhythm. Obsessing over consistency isn’t fun or useful.
  7. Guarding myself does more harm than good. Protecting myself from certain feelings or situations only reinforces the idea that they must be avoided. Dive in. Conquer. Live!
  8. Be honest with myself. Idealization of my self-view is tempting yet unhelpful. Facing facts is the starting point for self-discovery.
  9. Live in the moment instead of trying to capture the moment. A thorough camera roll is fun, but a thorough experience is better. Presence is unspeakably valuable.
  10. Pain can be beautiful. Moments or periods of deep and painful emotions happen. Sit with them. Feel them. Understand them. These are uniquely human moments that enrich life, even if they are unpleasant.

Thank you for reading! 🙂


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