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How to Live a Fulfilling Life

What is fulfillment? And what does it mean to live a fulfilling life? These are pretty deep questions, but I have a few thoughts. So, in this post, I am going to go over some theory and advice on how to live a fulfilling life!

How to Live a Fulfilling Life


I want to start by illustrating the importance of finding fulfillment.

Say there’s a person who has ambitious goals. They spend so much time going after what they aspire to get, sacrificing time with family and friends to pursue their goals. The journey is an emotional rollercoaster that is often draining and frustrating. A long while after setting out, this person finally gets where they want to go. But there’s a problem: the excitement subsides and they feel dissatisfied. They start to question why the achievement of their longtime desires didn’t bring joy. It left them feeling incomplete and it caused them to miss out on so much along the way.

Let’s shift gears for a second and think of another person. This person also has ambitious goals. They spend time working towards them. This person’s journey also has ups and downs. There are joyous victories and times of disappointment. But there’s a clear difference: throughout it all, this person enjoys the work they’re doing. It affords them the chance to live and experience life that isn’t solely dependent on their goals. In the end, this person also achieves their goals. Fortunately, this person’s accomplishments leave them feeling joyous and exuberant inside in a way that is lasting.

The second case seems ideal, right? The difference is fulfillment. The second person pursued something that was in line with their higher self. Because of this, the journey itself was rewarding, not just the achievement. Interestingly, the fulfillment in the second case would exist and last even if the person never quite reached their goals.

What is Fulfillment?

Fulfillment is a sense of joy and contentment that arises from the things we do in life. It’s a pretty darn big part of overall happiness, too. I have previously stated (in this post) that happiness is the result of a well-designed combination of gratitude, presence, and fulfillment.

Fulfillment is not the result of reaching a destination. It’s the guiding light along a joyful path… wherever that may lead.

People often think about finding fulfilling jobs, but it’s more than that. Feelings of fulfillment arise from work but also from relationships and experiences. All of these add meaning to your life. By helping others in your work, building strong connections, and cultivating joyful moments, fulfillment floods in. For more on overall satisfaction, read this post where I share a life design formula.

Work is a broader topic than relationships and experiences. For the most part, you are around loved ones and friends each day. Additionally, there are experiences available to you each day. I’m not necessarily talking about grandiose experiences but rather the everyday version. Think sunrises, hot coffee, good food, laughter, and singing your favorite songs.

Professional pursuits are, well, pursuits. Simply put, for them to be fulfilling, they need to help others in a way that you are passionate about. Think about what you are interested in and what you are excited about, and then align your work so that it is aimed at boosting others’ lives in a context you enjoy. Everyone will tell you that helping others is what they love to do. Do exactly that in a way that you care about, and your work will be fulfilling.

Here is what Tony Robbins says are the keys to being fulfilled.


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Fulfillment vs. Ego

The ego is the most common barrier to fulfillment. Things done for the ego are not fulfilling.

Any activity or goal that takes shape out of a desire for more status, more money, or more material possession fuels the ego. These cannot be your primary motivations. If your aims in life, specifically in terms of your career, target these areas, proceed with caution. This is the situation that leads to achieving goals but finding no satisfaction in them.

Doing great things often leads to money and fame. That’s no secret. However, these should be byproducts of the meaningful work you do, not the foremost goal. If your motivation is meaning, you’ll be fulfilled no matter what. If your motivation is status or some sort, you’ll feel empty… even if you reach your goal.

Ego leads to a life of trying to impress others while losing track of yourself and what lights YOU up.

Everyday Fulfillment

While this post is meant to tackle the larger aspect of fulfillment, a large portion of that is the result of day-to-day actions that compound. While work-related ambitions are a large source of satisfaction, so too are the relationships and hobbies you get to enjoy every day.

Fulfillment doesn’t solely exist in the form of well-formed goals and the corresponding work. It also exists in the smaller moments in life. The rich conversations that build connections, the sense of adventure that comes from going somewhere new, and the appreciation of how your hobbies make you smile. Everyday things compile to add so much to your life and satisfaction.

But you have to be present to them.

Distraction is the enemy of enjoyment. It prevents you from enjoying delicious food, taking in beautiful scenery, and connecting fully with others. Distraction eliminates satisfaction from the things you do… even if your original intention was to do something you enjoy.

If you do nothing else besides remove distraction, you’ll find that your presence of mind creates an awareness of the joys that have always surrounded you. All of which are beautiful and add daily bits of fulfillment to your life.

This article shares some great ways to make sure fulfillment is always close.


So, going back to the life stories at the beginning, make sure you choose a path that provides fulfillment along the way. Done with intention, you can find fulfillment each day along your path. In that case, no matter where the path leads, you’ll be content.

In summary of how to live a fulfilling life, consider these few points for maximum fulfillment:

  • Work-based fulfillment arises from doing work that helps others in a context that interests you.
  • Everyday things, like relationships and experiences, greatly add to overall satisfaction.
  • Ego and distraction are fulfillment thieves.

Thank you so much for reading! Please share with others who may benefit! 🙂


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