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False Beliefs: Is What You Think Really True?

Something that has been on my mind lately is the power of beliefs. More specifically, I have been thinking about how false beliefs can be negatively affect your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

false beliefs

Types of false beliefs

Too often, people are held back by false beliefs. These are misperceptions of reality, whether learned or self-imposed.

Due to outside influences, you may believe something about yourself that just is not true, and this belief conditions your body and mind to act accordingly. Objective reality signals otherwise, but your belief system picks up only on the information to support the belief.

While this sort of confirmation bias can be dangerous in either direction, it’s particularly harmful when it puts you down.

Another similar but nuanced case is being held back by a belief that is true only because the believer makes it true. Such limitations are self-imposed and only appear “true” because life is lived in a way to confirm these.

As stated in this article by Fast Company, people accept things as true before considering whether or not they really are. Forming beliefs in this way is sure to catch up with you.


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False beliefs visualized

Imagine a belief to be like a barricade between your city and the rest of the world. Even if your city is quite nice, things exist beyond the bounds of that city. Other fun places and beautiful scenes exist beyond the bounds of where you live. However, the barricade obscures them from view and keeps you from entertaining the possibility of more.

Your false beliefs are just like that wall in that they don’t let you explore the wonders that lie beyond them. Whether or not you choose to let yourself explore the possibility of anything else does not change the fact that more (and better) exists.

You owe it to yourself to explore these uncharted territories. Sometimes the fear of the unknown may cause you to pause, but it’s a journey worth taking!

Where false beliefs manifest

Think about all the things that cause unpleasant emotions. These occur when a situation passes through the lens of your beliefs and causes a reaction accordingly.

Some beliefs are spot on. When you see a bear running at you and get scared because you believe this to be dangerous, that seems pretty reasonable. This is a properly calibrated belief.

But other beliefs that affect you (probably more often than aggressive bears) run rampant because their negative effects are not so obviously dangerous.

When you feel stressed or angry or anxious or sad, think about why you feel that way. Is the belief that set it in motion really true? In this case, is your belief system properly calibrated?

Everyone is going to have a nuanced system of beliefs. My intention with this post is to point out that not all beliefs are going to be truthful. While some surely are true, others unnecessarily place you in a state of stress or worry.

Question yourself

As I stated, you owe it to yourself to explore your beliefs and how they impact your life. When you give an idea power by internalizing it, you create a cascade of correlating events in your life.

As I wrote in my previous post, a belief that you must be perfect in all you do is false. By questioning this and embracing the alternative – imperfection and progress – you find freedom.

Beliefs are extremely powerful. They must be wielded carefully and created with deep intention.

Examine your own beliefs. Because, whether on the macro level or the micro, the things you believe affect your entire perception of reality.

Think about what you believe to be true. Think about all the ways your mind may be causing you undue stress, fear, or feelings of inferiority. Is it really true?

Thank you so much for reading! Please share with others who may benefit! 🙂


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