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Choice Overload: How to Avoid Too Many Choices

Everybody wants to feel as though they have the power of choice. Having the luxury to choose means you have freedom and agency and that you won’t have to settle. But this is a dangerously slippery slope. With too many choices comes choice overload.

choice overload

How choice overload comes about

Choice overload is the state in which a large number of appealing choices causes you trouble or remorse in the process of and time after making a choice.

In any decision, people like to know they made the best choice. In a world where we can optimize our lives, there will naturally be a process of considering the merits of several options.

When you seek out and entertain many options, it can quickly move from beneficial to harmful. 

The effects of too many choices

There are many ways that too many choices affect our brains and how we feel. Here are a few principles:

The more choices you have, the harder it will be to commit.

Simply put, different options have different pros and cons. While something might be almost perfect, the thought that there might be something better creeps in.

As choices go up, expectations soar. With so many options, you expect there to be something perfect. You may find flaws with each option you have and then just keep on searching.

Quickly, you become inflexible. You expect there to be an option that will perfectly suit you. Such high expectations leave you constantly disappointed and scouring the horizon for the next potential fit.

The more options you become aware of, the less satisfied you’ll be with your pick.

This happens for both serious and silly things.

After moving into a nice neighborhood, you become jealous of a friend because their neighborhood is slightly more your style. As you eat at a restaurant, you can’t help but notice the tasty-looking dish that the person beside you ordered.

Each option might be wonderful in its own way. If you had gone on without ever knowing that the other options existed, you would have been satisfied with your choice.

However, it’s the knowledge that other cool and unique options exist that makes you less satisfied with what you choose.

Simplicity brings happiness

When you keep choices simple, you evade the pitfalls of choice overload. Clarity is key!

The person who makes decisions easy and optimizes over time will be happier than the person who becomes a decision perfectionist.

This TED Talk by Barry Schwartz nicely sums up the paradox of choice.


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A simpler approach

Taking a simpler approach doesn’t mean never comparing options or setting your expectations low. Just as too many choices lead to unhappiness and disdain, too few choices lead to feeling trapped or stuck.

Taking a simpler approach means consciously avoiding letting yourself go down the path of too many choices. How do you do that?

  1. Avoid unnecessary options. When you find something that you like, put a pause on searching for new options. You don’t have to go out of your way to avoid exposing yourself to new options, but don’t make a habit of intentionally looking for more.
  2. Decide quickly. Actually deciding is a large part of the battle. The act of making a decision itself will make you excited about your pick. Most decisions aren’t truly that important or permanent. Put some thought into them, don’t act hastily, and know that you can make changes if you end up hating your pick.
  3. Optimize forward. Being simple in your choices does not mean settling. If you pick now and feel out your choice, you can be better informed for the next set of choices. Living the life you want starts with making a pick, not looking for more options.

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